Welcome to the Genetic Sequence Database Application


BioStringDB is a database dedicated to the research and usage of genetic sequencing using auxiliary functions to provide information extracted from the related data.

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Table describing the functions contained in the database and its usages:

Name Input Output Description
isDNA nucleotide sequence [text] boolean verify if sequence is a DNA sequence
complement nucleotide sequence [text] nucleotide sequence returns the complementary DNA strand
reverse nucleotide sequence [text] nucleotide sequence returns the reverse DNA strand
getGCcontent nucleotide sequence [text] amount of GC content returns the amount of GC content of DNA sequence
transcript nucleotide sequence (DNA) [text] nucleotide sequence (RNA) returns the messenger RNA sequence
translation position [integer], nucleotide sequence (RNA) [text] aminoacid sequence (protein) transforms na RNA sequence into an aminoacid sequence (protein)
searchORF position [integer], nucleotide sequence (RNA)[text], length (minimum size of ORF) [integer] sequence Collection - aminoacid sequence (protein) search ORFs in a nucleotide sequence (RNA)
getTaxonomyIdChildren taxonomy_id [integer] numeric Collection - taxonomy_id get TaxonomyId children of a specific taxonomyId
getTaxonomyIdChildrenSet taxonomy_id [integer] numeric Collection - taxonomy_id get TaxonomyId children of a specific taxonomyId set
getCountGenomeTaxonomy taxonomy_id [integer] bigint - amount of gbkid get the amount of gbkid belonging to a specific taxonomyId
getCountProteinTaxonomy taxonomy_id [integer] bigint - amount of proteinid get the amount of proteinid belonging to a specific taxonomyId
getCountHitsProtein taxonomy_id [numeric], evalue [double precision] amount of hits [integer] gets the amount of hits in a protein given an e-value
getProteinTaxonomy taxonomy_id [integer] proteinid - numeric collection get the proteinid collection belonging to a specific taxonomyId
getSimilarProtein taxonomy_id [integer], taxonomy_id [integer] proteinid - numeric collection get the similar proteinid collection belonging to a specific taxonomyId compared with other organism.
getSingleGene taxonomy_id [integer], taxonomy_id [integer] proteinid - numeric collection gets single genes in a taxonomic group
getOrthologousGene taxonomy_id [integer], taxonomy_id [integer] proteinid - numeric collection get the orthologous genes to a specific taxonomyId
getParalogousGene taxonomy_id [integer] proteinid - numeric collection get the paralogous genes to a specific taxonomyId